RPA for Media Organization - Distribution Channel Reports Automation

RPA for Media Organization - Distribution Channel Reports Automation

RPA for Media Organization: Distribution Channel Reports Automation – Case Study

Business Case:

Media organizations have wide chain of distributor channels like cable operators, commercial customers, hotels etc. These stakeholders feed day-to-day data in the media organization’s in-house application. The objective of this process is to publish various reports like collection reports, debtors reports on the dashboard using the business intelligence tool to share it with the relevant stakeholders.


Problem Statement:

Different customers from the various zones of India are punching data into the in-house application daily. As there are multiple types of customers, employees of the organization need to generate and publish various reports for each customer. On an average it takes around 5 hours daily to perform this manual task.


RPA Implementation:

  1. Software bot logins into the in-house application to access the reports punched by the customers.
  2. Then bot selects required filters in the application and generates the reports.
  3. Once reports are generated, bot downloads these reports autonomously in the excel format, then massages data using different filters and formulas.
  4. Then bot logins into the Business intelligence tool with the necessary credentials to updates its data, generates and publishes different dashboard reports accordingly.
  5. After publishing the report, bot shares the link of published BI report to the relevant stakeholder.



  1. Bots used to connect the core application data with the BI system.
  2. Processing time reduced by 50%
  3. Single bot scheduled to perform the end-to-end process



Learn more about RPA:

Get in touch: info@greysoft.co


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