Technology will be the single greatest factor that is going to impact AIF services and the need today
is for AIF transactions to compute and track the drawdown, actual calls and allocation of income and
expenses to generate investor level per unit NAV
It reduces the risk, lowers the transaction costs and enhances the transparency for the fund houses
It automates the complete workflows to increase the efficiencies of conventional processes,
eliminating the complete human interventions while mitigating the challenges for ever changing
scenarios of the regulators and investors
The functionality of the application is to compute the investor commitment ratio and track the
drawdown, actual calls and allocation of income and expenses to generate the investor level per unit
The units will be developed at the face value in the ratio of commitment amount of each investor
under a particular fund house
Automate the conventional methodologies of AIF transactions and its services
Generate various reports for regulators and compliances
Investor level reporting for internal and external (clients) stakeholders
An email scheduler service to trigger notices and SOA’s to automate the current manual processes
Key Features
Automated calculation of Investor level commitment ratio for each fund
Simplified drawdown process on one click
a) Segregation of drawdown amount basis the investor ratio
b) Automated mailers to investors with the provision to attach password protected letters
c) Tracking of due date and notifying the investors at a predefined frequency
Segregation of income and expenses based on the various parameters like
a) Commitment Ratio
b) Contribution Ratio
c) AUM Ratio
Automated calculation of NAV for each fund basis the data provided to the application
Generation of SOA by the application
Regulatory and Compliance Reporting such as
a) SEBI Report
b) Compliance Test Report
Internal / External (Clients) Reporting such as
a) XIRR Report
b) 64C Report
c) 64D Report
d) Bench Marking Report
e) Carry Calculation
Key Business Benefits
Highly customized complex workflow solution with 4 eye check process
Single instance solution enabled for multi-currency, multi-entity operations
Capability to handle large volumes of data, complex distribution agreements and structures for
segregation of income and expenses
Efficient development strategy ensuring simple and ease of business operations
Built in callable architecture to accommodate enhancements and innovative features, on priority